Archive for the God Tag


Distraction – The day has just started and I haave 24 new emails. I don’t have time to fix that typo… The Wikipedia entry for distraction is here.  It's basically "divided attention." " Here are 2 pics from that page.  I fought to read today’s entry in Chambers’ My Utmost for His Highest. (I at least know this much, that
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Why the world needs you.

Why does the world need you? I had a thought recently that seemed out of nowhere. It's not the kind of thing I normally come up with. But it was sitting there when I went to write at my usual time, and it sounded like something I've heard for a long time but just never picked it up to look
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How will they know?

Meditation Psalm 139   “Even before there is a word on my tongue, God, You know it all.”   Why don’t we know how beautiful we are to you? You know our very thoughts. Why don’t we know how beautiful we are? You listen for our every sound. Why don’t we know?   “You have enclosed me behind and before, and laid your hand on
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Interview with Wayne Jacobsen, publisher of The Shack

For over a year now, people have been asking me what I think of The Shack. Mostly, I'm fascinated by how it's gotten people talking—believers and regular folks, liberals and conservatives, long-time Christians and the disenfranchised. And it hasn't even gone to mass market paperback yet. As a result of it all, The Shack is the little, unassuming book that
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The New Bible: The Books of The Bible

There are many parts of my position as acquisitions editor at WaterBrook that are really cool. One of those things is certainly discussing ideas that have significant potential for publication. The exchange of intellectual capital, so to speak, is invigorating and always interesting. I’m truly amazed at the breadth of skill, talent, and experience of the people I get to
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