Archive for the 'Personality' Category

The Head vs. Heart Debate

The head learns new things, but the heart forever practices new experiences. – Henry Ward Beecher   An author friend of mine told me last week that when her kids were in their early teens, they were in horrible competition with each other and they argued all the time. She said she had to figure out how to make them
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Letter to an Anonymous Author

“I am a writer. Therefore, I am not sane.” ― Edgar Allan Poe Dear X, I appreciated your note, my friend. And I’m grateful for it. I’ve seen your struggle and I know how hard you’re working to progress and capture everything well, and also accept help. I knew your journey would be a special challenge, and while your issues
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Why Writing Well Is All About Intensity

“…I began to find life unsatisfactory as an explanation of itself and was forced to adopt the method of the artist of not explaining but putting the blocks together in some other way that seems more significant to him. Which is a fancy way of saying I started writing.”   I taught fiction at Mt. Hermon last week. The most
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Are You Elmer’s, Epoxy or Paste?

Another 5-minute Friday exercise from Lisa-Jo: get it here… Go. Not all glues are created equal. The beauty of Elmer’s glue is that it creates a strong, semi-flexible bond. I rarely use it anymore and I hardly remember what I used it for all those years it sat in my desk next to the pencils and erasers and crayons. But
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