Archive for the simplicity Tag

Healing In the Simplicity of Your Story

“Writing is prayer.” – Franz Kafka In today’s world with ever-more distracting, inane and attention-grabbing information, it can be particularly challenging for new storytellers to overcome the fear that their story is too simple and uninteresting.         We’re the worst judges of our own stories. Despite that and the fact that sharing your story honestly and with vulnerability
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Why All It Takes Is 5 Minutes

It may come as a shock, but I’m easily distractible. It’s not something I’m proud of. Especially knowing how much my work depends on writers showing up and keeping up despite the battering hurricane of demands and requests that fly in through every open window. It can grow dark quickly underneath the pile of debris atop the little flame of
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How to Edit Out FEAR–for Good

It’s still early. That’s true. A true sentence. Regardless of how little there is left of the day, it’s still early. There’s time yet to write the daily clutch of words. Despite the fact that my brain is doing its usual whirring with all the things to get done, the manuscripts needing edits, consult calls to make, talks and articles
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Tuesday Morning Pages

“I must write on the novel again.  It’s got to be finished. All it needs is my attention.” And that was as far as I got last night before falling asleep. And in listening to That Distant Land on my run this morning, Wendell Berry’s collection of Port William short stories about the colorful folks in a small Kentucky community around the
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Distraction – The day has just started and I haave 24 new emails. I don’t have time to fix that typo… The Wikipedia entry for distraction is here.  It's basically "divided attention." " Here are 2 pics from that page.  I fought to read today’s entry in Chambers’ My Utmost for His Highest. (I at least know this much, that
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