Archive for the 'On publishing' Category

How to Know When You Need an Editor

“Please turn to page 127,” she said. The word “I” had been circled every time it appeared on the page. “How many circles are there?” she asked. I counted fourteen. The page nearly jumped and jostled with circled I’s. But I was not sure what to make of this. Every time I’d written “I,” I meant “I.” Was it wrong
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Those Who Can, Do. Those Who Don’t Want to, Teach.

Writing a book is hard work. Everyone knows that. But what most people don’t realize is that it’s also a skill. And if that’s true, it can be learned. That’s why I love teaching my story course. You have to admit, the fact that it’s so easy to email a lesson, show how to apply it, and then evaluate what someone
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Link: Top Myths about Editors

Writers I meet at conferences have a lot of great questions about editing. Most of us know we need help but don’t know where to start. I don’t have any money; why are editors so expensive? Do you really need a content editor and a copyeditor? Can you just hire an editor to fix your mistakes? Here’s a really great post clearing up some
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Is Christian Art Useless?

Fellow Christian writers and artists, do you consider this a challenge? “Christian art is a knock-off.” Maybe? Maybe it depends on what we consider Christian art. How do we define Christian art? Are the rules different than for regular art? Probably they are, and that’s fair since “Christian” should involve some specific differences about what’s artistic and what’s not. So what does “Christian art”
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Confronting Harper Lee’s Monster

It came across our Facebook feeds yesterday: Harper Lee is releasing a new book! It had already been announced and discussed and when I told my wife, she said what we all thought, “Isn’t she dead?” Almost immediately there were suspicions about it all over the feeds. News and opinions went back and forth without much substance to go on.
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