Archive for the Writers Tag

When There’s Too Much Anxiety in Your Way to Move Forward

  It turns out I have this unconsidered theory that what’s most important is to be comfortable. And it’s especially true with huge challenges like writing. One more cup of coffee, I think. Then maybe I’ll be in the zone…. There’s no coffee mug big enough for me. Or coffee hot enough, tasty enough, fresh enough. And soon, the way
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Writing into the Light

Like most who pursue this creative life, while writing I’m more dependent on the daily requirements of my existence than I like to admit. And like most, I’m terrified of losing my routine. The little habits I’ve grown addicted to, of waking and showering and reading, preparing and preserving the ideas and energy for the page, they’ve grown to encompass more of the
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Want to Write a Best-Seller? Mine Your Empathy

The greatest of divides…is between those who regard the visible world as being of primary importance…and those who do not. Dallas Willard   There are so many challenges to writing a story that works, let alone that can capture readers’ hearts and imaginations to get talked about and shared. And so few people who talk about writing never will for
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Attention Is a Limited Resource

I rarely remember it, but I’d be a better writer if I did: What we think about matters. Because attention is a limited resource. Sometimes I remember to be reserved about what I pay attention to and I discover more time to write. But I hardly ever remember to consider what I pay attention for. Or put another way, Why I’m paying attention to
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Why editing isn’t just the how but the what  

Whenever I work with new authors, they’re eager and excited. And almost always they want to focus on how they did—whether the structure they used works and how well it “flows.” But what I find almost 100% of the time is that first, they need help hearing what they said. And without exception, it’s surprising to them to realize what
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