Archive for the 'A Christian Writing Revolution?' Category

Why It’s So Important to Choose Your Music Before Writing

I’m looking for the right music to set the mood… …because of course every artist is in training to concentrate more fully on the experience of the movement of their art. Writers train to hear the rhythm in the words. Musicians strain to hear the music in the notes…. So the question is what am I going to notice? What to
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If You’ll Accept the Struggle

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” – Rumi Writing is hard–for so many reasons. Is it worth the effort? I get so many manuscripts from new writers asking me if it’s worth the effort to invest in. I used to try to
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Interview with The Shack original publisher and collaborator, Wayne Jacobsen

For over a year now, people have been asking me what I think of The Shack. Mostly, I’m fascinated by how it’s gotten people talking—believers and regular folks, liberals and conservatives, long-time Christians and the disenfranchised. And it hasn’t even gone to mass market paperback yet (update: it now has). As a result of it all, The Shack is the
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Our Only Real Hope for 2017

Do you do New Year’s resolutions? I sort of do. I set some intentions based on who I want to be, goals I’d like to accomplish, and barriers I’d like to overcome. It’s nothing super specific or targeted. But this year, with one girl just entering the ‘tween years and one full-fledged teenager, there’s a certain urgency to get busy
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Why We’ve Got to Learn to Say No

“There is only one way to defeat the enemy, and that is to write as well as one can. The best argument is an undeniably good book.” Saul Below, The Living Novel: A Symposium, 1957 I think no matter who you are, no matter how you grew up, every Christian writer struggles to say no to others. Some may learn to
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