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Critique Form

Mick Silva Editing

Critique Form  


Author / title: ______________________________________

Critiquer’s name: ___________________________________

Do you think you fit the writer’s intended audience? Why or why not? _______________


Would you encourage them to expand their target, or narrow it? ____________________

Did the opening hook you? Y / N

Was it unique, insightful, and realistic? Y / N

Did it make you feel for the main character? Y / N

Was it well-organized and convey a depth of knowledge? Y / N

Did you feel and / or understand characters’ motivations? Y / N

Was there a compelling deeper theme? Y / N

Could you see, smell, hear, and/or feel the setting? Y / N

Were the words, verbs, sentences, and images interesting? Y / N

Was it sophisticated or nuanced? Y / N

Did the story evoke your emotions? Y / N

Did it introduce a new idea, concept, or connection? Y / N

Did it satisfy your expectations? Y / N

What was your overall impression? ___________________________________________





