Archive for the acceptance Tag

What to Do When You Suspect It’s Not Enough

“Doubtless some ancient Greek has observed that behind the big mask and the speaking-trumpet, there must always be our poor little eyes peeping as usual and our timorous lips more or less under anxious control.” – George Eliot, Middlemarch, 1871 So you’re finally ready to get honest? You’re finally ready to admit that your writing is no good? Congratulations. Welcome to
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The Best Way Writers Let Go & Get to Work

“…life does not move in the same way as a group of clouds; From your work, you will be able one day to gather yourself.” – Miguel de Unamuno (1864-1936), trans. Robert Bly And what is our work? The great Spanish writer and poet Unamuno said “sowing yourself.” “Throw yourself like seed as you walk, and into your own field,”
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When You’re Afraid to Release It Into the World

“The writer’s job is to abandon their work. To allow others to make judgment of its worth. And to go on to the next story…”   – William Stafford   Did you write from your pain last week? How have you been at facing your fears through writing?    If you’ve attempted it, you know it requires discipline and patience,
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Oh, Bravery. Do You Have to Be So Hard?

“We say God uses all things for good, but we don’t know how to participate in that process of redemption because we can’t acknowledge that we are in pain, that our beliefs are shaken and that the way we think, feel and live is changed. We are unable to get to the good that God works because we cannot face
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The Gift of Anxiety…and Why You Need It

“Take care, you will face many tribulations in the world for my sake.” – Jesus   “Apparently uncertain seasons are usually the most powerful God-moments we experience. They often put God on display more than other seasons, demonstrating that God exists and rewards those who seek him (Hebrews 11:6).” – Jon Bloom, Desiring God Ministries Those who know me know I’m all about fearless writing. If
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