Archive for the parenting Tag

What My Daughters Have Taught Me about Writing

Working as a writer has much in common with learning good parenting: more than how to communicate, it really starts with learning to listen. Also, both teach by showing you a lot of what not to do. It was several years ago now, but I still remember it as clearly as when I first discovered it. And of course, I thought
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The Gift of Fear and Remembering

I suppose it would take something like a kids basketball game to shock me into remembering that fear is also a gift. Most of you probably guessed I’m not exactly a sports super-fan. But basketball is just about the worst. For proof, if that’s needed, consider the amazing imagination it required to invent a game of throwing a ball into a bucket. The
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Dear daughters, thank you, thank you.

  My dear daughters, I just wanted to say thank you for being my best supporters, my favorite fan club, who no matter how much I mess up, you still love me. I used to want to prove myself. I’d think about myself a lot. And how I wanted people to see me. Now I only care how you see me.
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How We Love Our Kids

“Parents, reading this book is the best gift you could give your children and yourself. While it gives practical and insightful ways to understand and parent your children, it is not about a technique. It is about understanding your heart and soul as a parent, and learning how to give that to your children. Milan and Kay do so by
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