I received a reply email from an author.
“Looks like I have my work cut out for me,” she wrote.
She’d been a client for several months and I’d sent my final edit laying out several things she’d need to do before and after sending it to the publisher.
Yes, you do have your work cut out, I wanted to say. Because I’ve invested some considerable time to cut it out for you.
Of course I didn’t say it. I like to pretend. I’m too self-controlled. Actually I’m too shy and insecure. But I felt it. And I felt entitled to say it because I’d given a lot. And the book was far better for it.
Was she even grateful?
Should I say something?
Then I remembered how it’s always easy to look around at the problems in the world and see the things we’d like to change. But we can only do that if we’ve first allowed God to change us. And the fear and anger in our own hearts can keep us from ever realizing the thing that most needs to change–
I have to keep saying it until I start believing it: there is only one way to change the world for the better with my truth. And it isn’t by seeking gratitude from clients.
The insight needed to see our truth and our stories requires deliberate self-discovery. Without that, they won’t change anyone. They won’t have the key to how a story heals: demonstration.
What I’m really after is not pointing out what others’ should do, but to see what I must do to finally overcome my barriers to telling my story, which means accepting my own fears and insecurities.
I wanted her gratitude because I love playing the hero.
It seems I need yet another revision.
“Who cannot give good counsel? ‘Tis cheap and costs them nothing.” – Robert Burton
Truth is, no one will care how much you know until they know how much you care. I seek to be served because my needs are what matter most when they’re all I can see.
Like everyone, I tend to feel so trapped and alone.
“One of the greatest barriers to connection is the cultural importance we place on ‘going it alone.’ Somehow we’ve come to equate success with not needing anyone. Many of us are willing to extend a helping hand, but we’re very reluctant to reach out for help when we need it ourselves. It’s as if we’ve divided the world into ‘those who offer help’ and ‘those who need help.’ The truth is that we are both.” (Brene Brown, The Gifts of Imperfection)
We don’t need more writers giving us answers to change the world. We need writers seeking our questions to change themselves.
And when they do, many others will be changed as well.
I say I want to help others. But what I really seem to want is their gratitude. Could reaching out for community help change the way I approach my work, my writing, my life?
The trick to all of this writing life is staying in the process. But that requires accepting help.
I did write back to my author friend. I told her that wonderfully, yes, she DID have her work cut out now! And, I said, you’re welcome. (winky smile)
I said she might need help and encouragement along the way, to stay in her process and not run away when it got uncomfortable or exhausting. Because that’s what writing means.
And I thought how accepting a calling maybe always requires help. Maybe that’s part of the refining, to realize we’ve got to seek help and use our discernment to find it. Our source of strength is always that connection to the Inspirer, but don’t we also have to give up our stubborn independence and learn to ask and receive from the friends God’s provided?
I’ve needed to stop trying to go it alone.
The last thing I told her was that I’ll be praying for her continued stamina in the journey. And then I said I’d be here–I could always use the companionship myself.
If you’re on an interior journey, you need friends to help you stay in the process.
And always welcome your fellow travelers as friends. And simply stay in the process.
Keep seeking, my friends. You inspire me and so many more as you do…
You taught me to love the process. Thanks for that. You stayed every time you said “I’m here.” You are insecure, conflicted, beautiful, passionate and generous. Sure, some might be less insecure and conflicted, but would they be less relateable and less approachable and probably less compassionate? God’s using those traits until he’s done perfecting you. I appreciate you, my friend.
You’ve taught me a lot about sharing what scares you, Sir William. Thank you for all you see and share so openly. I’m grateful to YOU, and not merely for that appreciation. :)
Is this a ‘practice what you preach’ type post?
I guess so. Also one of those “confess-in-hopes-someone-relates” posts.
I’m soooo very grateful.
Oh, the shame! I guess this is the danger with not using composite examples… well, now you’re warned! :) Funny thing is, I knew you were grateful even before this. I think I was just in a poor-me pity party and feeling that old entitlement–like the old ratty robe I keep around because I’m too attached to burn it.
I suspect the limits of email are partly to blame as well. But God uses everything, as Bill said. Even would-be heroes and their oversized fragile egos.
Wish I had a picture of me as a kid running around the yard as Superman with a towel tied around my neck. Or maybe clutching the old security blanket….
Thanks for being you, Jane. I’m far more interested in knowing you are prepared and confident. I’m so grateful to you for your grace.
How very true are your words. Becoming vulnerable is the beginning point for growth of any kind. We are so fearful of allowing others to know us – we are fearful of getting to know ourselves. Being honest with ourselves is where we start the process of becoming real and genuine. It is scary but freeing when we can admit that we are human after all.It is then we can not only accept ourselves and others, but share with others who are struggling with the same things.
Thank you, Marlene. Such wise words.
See? But I would never say I told you so. Don’t put that cape away.
Winky smile.
My brother and I used to race through the forest with towels safety pinned to our shirts when we’d camp with the grands. I still believe I have super powers. I guess the one I didn’t know I have is the power to make someone feel like I’m not appreciative, the make them feel guilty. 😀
Don’t ever doubt it, Jane. You are a woman of hidden talents. :) I now want a picture of you and your brother playing superheroes too.