Home » Revolution: Fertile Ground

Revolution: Fertile Ground

On Monday, I expect to have a long-awaited treat for you all: an insider perspective on alternatives to the CBA market. Until then, I leave you on this fine Friday afternoon with an early year-in-review, a projection, and a prayer.

The “moral” vote:
“This year, a lot of motivation [to vote] was driven by religious beliefs.”

Conservative action:
Commentary from Bruce Bartlett for the Washington Times explained the values victory as a reaction to “liberals impos[ing] their beliefs on America in exactly the way they imagine conservatives want to do.”

Bush’s decisive victory:
The county-by-county electoral map shows a very conservative country.

Mass media:
The success of The Passion and the Furor Over Popular Religion Novels and Christian non-fiction like The Purpose-Driven Life (and don’t forget The Prayer of Jabez) indicate in no uncertain terms the spiritual interests at the core of our country’s consumers.

America leads the world in mass media and Christian values. American Christianity IS big business.

This is both exciting and portentous for the state of our country, our churches, and our personal ministry as spiritually minded communicators. I fear what will happen as many of you find yourselves speaking to a much larger audience in a relatively short time. I pray you will remember Jesus’ words of warning about money and the effects of success. I am praying you will commit to denouncing the trappings of this world and remember the danger of equating following Jesus with success in this world. That little oversight will wreak unspeakable damage in the coming few years. I pray it will not come through any of you.

May God guide you in your journey to your audience and in the true joys of self-sacrifice and humility, which are the first gifts in loving God and your readers as yourself.

One Response to “Revolution: Fertile Ground”

  1. Mary says:

    Another great post. It’s hard to imagine myself having any influence over anybody, but I’ll definitely keep your words in mind just in case I happen to be sitting next the podium when some famous person faints or something. LOL

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