My Dad's spiritual father (my "spiritual grandfather?") sends out this daily email called "Dear Friends." He finds insight in words and linking them to THE Word, which I find so fun.
I thought this gem was worth reproducing in its entirety. He asks,
"what can I possibly contribute to the Lord this morning or any morning?"
Read the email below, then come back up and read Spurgeon… "I am entirely dependent upon Thee for support, counsel, consolation. Uphold me by Thy free Spirit, and may I not think it enough to be preserved from falling, but may I always go forward, always abounding in the work Thou givest me to do. Strengthen me by Thy Spirit in my inner self for every purpose of my Christian life. All my jewels I give to the shadow of the safety that is in Thee—my name anew in Christ, my body, soul, talents, character, my success, wife, children, friends, work, my present, my future, my end. Take them, they are Thine, and I am thine, now and for ever."
This love is taking over the world. I hope you'll let it take over yours.
Hope you'll be well and feel his presence today.
Begin forwarded message:
From: "Dale Vander Veen" <>
Date: February 20, 2013 10:55:30 AM PST
To: "Ahome" <>
Subject: February 20 – What Do You Have for Me This Morning?
Dear friends,
Every morning I begin my time with the Lord asking, “Lord, what do you have for me this morning?” This morning I sensed an instant reply from him, “Dale, what do you have for me this morning?” After some moments of stunned and anxious silence, I replied, “Lord, you know that I have nothing for you.”
Then I turned to my book, Dear Friends: Seeing Our Best Friend in His Word and World, to read today’s entry. I was shocked to discover the title “I Have Nothing,” based on Luke 11:6: “A friend of mine on a journey has come to me, and I have nothing to set before him.” Jesus, my friend, has come to journey with me today, and I have nothing for him.
Following today’s Scripture readings in Seeking God’s Face: Praying with the Bible through the Year, I read David’s words, “Vindicate me, Lord, for I have lead a blameless life” (Ps. 26:1). I do not have a blameless life to give the Lord. “I have trusted in the Lord and have not faltered” (v. 1). There are times when I have trusted in the Lord, but I certainly cannot set before the Lord an unfaltering faith.
After inviting the Lord to test and examine not only his actions, but even his heart and mind, David continues, “I have always been mindful of your unfailing love and have lived in reliance on your faithfulness” (v. 3). O, my! In comparison to such an offering, what can I possibly contribute to the Lord this morning or any morning?
God has been blameless to me. He has been unfaltering in faithfulness toward me, unfailing in his love for me. “What shall I return to the Lord for all his goodness to me?” (Ps. 116:12). Lord, I have only one, no, two things for you this morning. I have a hand and a voice. The hand shakes, the voice cracks. But I will employ withered hand and wavering voice to answer your question and the psalmist’s question. “I will lift up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord” (Ps. 116:13). A hand to lift the cup, a voice to call, “Deliver me and be merciful to me” (Ps. 26:11).
That is all I have this morning, Lord. And I know it is enough, for your grace has nerved this paralyzed hand and awakened this muted voice. I gladly join David in “proclaiming your praise and telling of all your wonderful deeds” (Ps. 26:7).
Verse for the day: "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." (Ps. 34:18)
Phrase for the day: "Nothing is enough."
Quote for the day: from “Nothing But the Blood of Jesus” by Robert Lowry (1876)
This is all my hope and peace, nothing but the blood of Jesus.
This is all my righteousness, nothing but the blood of Jesus.
O precious is the flow that makes me white as snow.
No other fount I know, nothing but the blood of Jesus.
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