Author Tim Ferriss on debuting at #1 on the NYT list:
"We’re at the dawn of the creators’ age, when you don’t have to dumb down your material to have a bestseller; you don’t have to kow-tow to big media that wants to dilute your message so that it offends no one and interests no one. The publisher — you — can decide the fate of your ideas. That’s should be exciting to every writer and would-be writer out there. The timing couldn’t be better." (Thanks to GalleyCat)
True, but the essential question becomes, can you make a living this way?
Ah, ye of little faith… ;-) No, it’s a good point, Mary. I don’t know how many of us could really survive in the great wide open? Tim Ferriss publishes with Random (there’s some good info on his newest book free to steal at Godin is probably okay on his own, but does that translate for mortals?
In the end, I think getting smarter and becoming more capable *together* is the best way to ensure we get the best bang for our buck, whether we publish traditionally or not. And with that, I return to creating the content for the new site…
I think it is exciting considering that in Christian Publishing there can be another sort of filtering that defines spiritual
“correctness” and edits out, curbs, or dilutes things about the supernatural.
Bingo, Susan! 100 points to you. The freedom to disregard spiritual correctness would be a big win/win all the way around. And considering the source, I find this quote very interesting. Applied to what he’s writing, it doesn’t seem to make sense. How has he had to “dumb-down,” “kow-tow,” or “dilute” his message so as not to offend big media? My guess, based on his books, would be that he’s mostly talking about the sexual content in his new book. I haven’t read it, but I can imagine it would offend many readers (he’s posted beach-bikini photographs on his blog). But the point being, there’s a large audience big media doesn’t accept that is okay with sexually-divisive material. And I believe the huge spiritually-interested audience is okay with spiritually-divisive content as well.
It’s hard walking that fine line…I tend to fall off. Im not super familiar with spiritually-divisive content, but I know that it’s time to take back the space on the bookshelves that we should have had all along, and if prying open the gate to the exclusive spiritual literature club will help then Im for it. As long as Jesus approves, well, shouldn’t we? (but Im not for sexual content – that’s not a fine line for me…pretty thick.)
A pleasure to read your comments as always Mick
Thanks Jan! And great point. My thought is, like what Ferriss is saying about sexually divisive content, often what’s spiritually divisive is great for book sales. One man’s apostasy is another’s gold mine. And as long as you’re right before God, let men take all the space they need to disagree and discuss.
The first time I became aware of “spiritual correctness” was the 2006 Mt. Hermon conference. The Christian publishers are great at informing Christians how to evangelize, but outside the bible, they’re practically ignoring books that evangelize. What a breakthrough “The Shack” was. It shouldn’t surprise us though, as Jesus ate with the “edgy” sinners as well as taught in the Temple.
Well Mick, thanks to this post, I’m now searching for a new video camera to take advantage of this great marketing technique. This tip is a real gem. Thanks!
Larry Skahill
Interesting article from the Seattle Times this morning about a guy who had bad luck with traditional publishers and went with a “stripped-down” POD company. Seems a bit “stripped down” to me.
This guy is no Godin or Ferris of course….
Larry, you’re a true Renaissance man. Good luck!
Dennis, thanks for the article. Very interesting idea. If this is making money, it’d be nice to know how. Maybe I’ll go find out… seems like a more workable example of the convergence of supply and demand.