Archive for the creativity Tag

My Writing Process – Step 2: “Let the Theme Rise Organically”

Instructions for living a life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it. – Mary Oliver, “Sometimes” God, save me from the productivity that would sacrifice everything you’re doing in me to chase an image of “supposed to.” So naturally, after step 1 comes step 2. “Step 1: Set Out to Return” posits that submitting to what God is calling you
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What Do Your Prepositions Say About You?

“Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose.” – Kris Kristofferson It starts out as a search for yourself, a part-time occupation giving the journey definition and greater meaning. At least it did for me. It took a few years to determine that primary pursuit, but once I did, it seemed writing was what would lead me to myself,
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Nope, Writing Is Still NOT About Creativity

“We are about contribution. That’s what our job is. It’s not about impressing people. It’s not about getting the next job. It’s about contributing something.” – Benjamin Zander   What’s different about a book is far less important than what’s the same. Conventional wisdom holds that all true artists abhor convention and delivering what’s expected. They’re just too creative for
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What Writers Need to Know about Talent and Self-Discipline

The most important thing you can do is a lot of work…. – Ira Glass       They need to slow down. Sitting with the other parents in the little orange plastic chairs at Charlotte’s cello lesson, I have to force myself to be quiet. The teacher is trying hard to get the other kids (the boys) to go
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Creativity and the Holy Pursuit of Delight

As I came to map out the work week with Sheri this morning, I made space to sit at the dining room table that looks out on the forest, reclaiming an edge from her paper collage experiment. I make efforts to be gentle and remind her not to apologize. It’s not the laptops and cellphones we should be making space for,
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