Home » Welcome, Baby Charlotte!

Welcome, Baby Charlotte!

Charlotte Emmarie Silva, born 6:21pm, 3.9.06

6 lbs., 18 inches.

Welcome to our world!


25 Responses to “Welcome, Baby Charlotte!”

  1. William G. says:

    Awesome. Congrats!

  2. acornstwo says:

    Mitch, she’s gorgeous. Congratulations!

  3. Congratulations to you and your family, Mick.

  4. Aw, how precious! Congratulations to you, Sheri, and Ellie.

  5. Vicki says:

    What a beautiful blessing! She’s so precious–wish I could hold her!

  6. Susan Meissner says:

    She looks as though she is smiling! Congratulations, Mick. She’s a beauty. . .

  7. Vennessa says:

    Congratulations, Mick! What a darling babe.

  8. violet says:

    Mick, how wonderful. Congratulations!

  9. Angie says:

    She’s absolutely beautiful, Mick!

  10. Alison Needham says:

    How beautiful she is! So happy for all the Silvas! Love the name! :)

  11. Congratulations! She’s a beautiful baby. Blessings on you all.

  12. Dave L says:

    Congrats, Mick! Hope all are healthy and finding at least a little rest.

  13. Michelle Therese says:

    Whoo hoo! Nice picture. And SO pink. Congrats on your precious little girl. You must be so proud.

  14. Mitzi says:

    Congratulations. She’s a beauty! BTW – nice martini glass there in the background. I seem to remember owning one just like it ;)

  15. God bless your family! Such great news. She’s gorgeous.

  16. theizzyrex says:

    Congrats old man! She’s not as cute as mine, though. Oh wait, that’s right, I don’t have one yet. Anyway, I wish you and your growing brood the best.

  17. Congratulations on your new little one! ENJOY!

  18. Terwilliger says:

    Little children are the blessings of a wonderful and precious Omnipotence. To hold their tiny fingers is to know the peace that surrounds us in the womb of our reformation. May the blessings continue to overflow your spirit. Shalom.

  19. Wow, Mick! I am late to the party, but may I join the others in saying that’s about the cutest little girl I’ve ever seen! Major congrats to you and the fam.

  20. Lazarus says:

    Yours is one of the best sites I have seen.

  21. Margo says:

    She’s so cuuute! God’s richest blessings on the whole bloomin’ family!

  22. donna says:

    Totally positively absolutely amazingly gorgeous. : )

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