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The Greatest Secret to Ultimate Comfort

If it’s true that no one had a perfect childhood, seeking comfort for what we lacked as children is something of a universal.

So where do you go for comfort?

Christians know God is supposed to be our comfort. But most people still search for false escapes in music, television, drugs, sex, games, books, even work. The most human of all qualities isn’t self-awareness; it’s the possession of a mind that can make even the opposite, the very fear of comfort, into a familiar comfort.

If you trusted God to fill all your comfort need, do you believe you’d be a better writer? Since that's what I'm all about, I figured this was a good meditation for us today–maybe a way to use our extra hour.

Of course, he could miraculously break your bad habits. Stories of drug addicts and smokers suddenly losing their cravings and having no withdrawal symptoms are common. Habits are usually only replaceable with another, better habit, but when you know God, the changes often do come more easily.

And how do you know God? I always believe I know an author best when I've read his book. But listening and asking his opinions, talking and showing your truest self—that’s a relationship. And that’s where ultimate comfort is found. All other comforts are doomed to fail.

How do I know this is true? I always love finding principles that govern the invisible world, but you really start to believe when you see the principles in action. Today, I found one of the most important principles governing comfort in Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount:

“You're blessed when you can show people how to cooperate instead of compete or fight. That's when you discover who you really are, and your place in God's family.”

–Matthew 5:9 (The Message)

In other words, when you’re a peacemaker, you’ll be blessed by knowing your purpose in God’s world! Did you know that was related? Peacemaking isn't automatic knowledge. You have to learn it. Helping others put aside what they want is hard. And we have to do it ourselves first. But if you work it out, the word says you'll be blessed with knowing your purpose.

Your purpose may not be as a mediator or conflict manager. But God said that employing that skill will help you find your purpose in his world.

It seems strange, doesn't it? But today I'm asking God to show me how to be a peacemaker anyway. I’m betting he’ll help me do it, too. And if the principle is true, I’ll discover more of my purpose in his reality and more of my ultimate comfort as well. 

I'm not doing it to be a better writer, but even if I was selfishly motivated here, I'll bet it'd work anyway. Because I know another principle: God always takes what he can get. (Or does he? Leave a comment, let's discuss!)

7 Responses to “The Greatest Secret to Ultimate Comfort”

  1. Nicole says:

    Mick, I know here a few years back you created a firestorm of comments in regard to your opinions about “quality” writing, but having had a few discussions with you face-to-face and via email, I think you’re one of the most diplomatic people I’ve ever known–at least at the professional level. It would seem being a peacemaker is part of your calling.

  2. Anytime we ask God to stretch us, which means getting us out of our comfort zone, we’ll see wonderful changes and growth that will lead us to get a better idea of God’s purpose for our life. But, we must stay the path in order for that to happen. And I believe if we do stay the course, God will easily be our comfort in every area.
    Does God always take what he can get? Sure! However, I feel the amount He wants to take from us is a sliver of what we actually give. Can you imagine how different the world would be if all Christians fully gave themselves up? To deeply seek God’s will for their life? What a wonderful world it truly would be.

  3. You neglected to mention food as a source of comfort and escape. In the past two years, I used writing to break my habit of taking my stress to food. Everytime I reached for food, I wrote a sentence or two about why I was reaching or what triggered my false hunger.
    I learned I was taking both my anxiety and my creative urges to food. I was truly dismayed to see that I wasn’t experiencing “the peace of Christ”, I had just been sedating myself with munchies.
    Using the writing as a catalyst for change, I began to take my stress to God and my creative urges to the page. I’m now twenty-five pounds thinner (and counting), freer as a writer, and deeper into my relationship with Jesus.
    After a lifetime of following Jesus, I’m seeking comfort from Him on a whole new level and freer every day of the false comfort I sought for years. Writing was not only the catalyst but better writing was also the outcome. Seeking comfort from God instead of food released a fearlessness in me that appears on the page.

  4. Mick says:

    Nicole, you would bring that up! Nice of you to still believe in my better self…
    Good words, Jenelle. I’m believing and trusting with you!
    Lori, that’s the most amazing thing I heard all week! Writing yourself thin! That must be God since it’s the opposite of what usually happens… what a great story.

  5. Thanks, Mick. Who would have thought, right? I took a part-time job at the Y to support my writing habit and God opened a whole new way for me to use writing to help others. I lead classes at the Y now in how to use writing to support weight loss and from that group, we’ve also developed a small first-time writer’s group. One guy used the writing process to explore his concern for world hunger and he’s channelled his creative energy into helping the poor of Honduras. Pretty amazing exploration of writing supporting a healthier lifestyle.

  6. Tina says:

    Love this, Mick. I like how Christ’s wisdom is made clear in the Message version you quoted. About God taking what he can get. I think it’s true. What feels fruitless and futile to some people might be a huge victory for Christ when he looks into a heart. Some of us can do more and some of us are doing all we can even if it is a struggle to do so. It all depends on the person and for that matter, the writer and the character. Not sure that makes sense, but those are my thoughts.

  7. Yes! The Lord does take what He can get! Because, He gets what it is He has given!
    It’s a phenomenon not often talked about but when you see its evidence played out in your life you can only conclude: Wow! That prayer (the one I prayed awhile back) was His prayer. I thought it was mine…
    I’ve noticed that there are certain characteristics to this kind of prayer. First, it seems to have inherent pureness to it. In other words, we don’t pray it and then imagine all the earthly kudos we will receive when it is answered. Second, we know, somehow,that its fulfillment is out of our control and that He will work the work. Third, we often completely forget about the prayer we prayed until He brings it to our remembrance sometime later – after its fulfillment. Fourth, the final fruit is pure and we will be uneasy if anyone tries to give us the credit. Deep down, we know our only part was willingness.
    Maybe this is what the Lord foreshadowed in the Last Supper. He breaks the bread and instructs us to take it. We take it, eat it and it becomes part of us. We then break that which we were given and share it. The Body of Christ is nourished and healthy.
    Thanks Mick! It has been a great hour!

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