Archive for the spiritual writing Tag

Editor to Author: Letter to a Memoir Writer

Dearest Author, I've been thinking about worth lately. What's your story worth? At a recent writers conference I taught a workshop on how I saw publishing changing. Modern publishing, the only time in history when we've had separate "markets" for books, has begun to fracture and redistribute. I've shared several times about how The Shack has shifted things. It isn't
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Why the world needs you.

Why does the world need you? I had a thought recently that seemed out of nowhere. It's not the kind of thing I normally come up with. But it was sitting there when I went to write at my usual time, and it sounded like something I've heard for a long time but just never picked it up to look
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Seeing Beauty, Part 4

I came upon a strange little connection last night while I was playing piano that I never thought of before. Something of a synthesizing metaphor that may help explain what learning to see beauty really requires. Or at least, what it's required for me. Are these fleeting thoughts worth grabbing and exploring? I was playing music, realizing that my old
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Crossing Over: Who Is Your Audience?

In the closing month of 2008, Baylor University’s Institute for Studies of Religion released these findings: 20% of Americans said they have “heard God’s voice” 55% feel they are protected by a guardian angel 23% say they have witnessed a miraculous physical healing In a similar survey in 2005, 67% of Americans were convinced heaven exists. Dick Staub made an
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