Archive for the inspirational writing Tag

Why Simple Is Best

The 14th c. theologian William of Ockham is known for his statement, “the simplest solution is almost always the best.” This is the familiar thought I’ve come to after writing a bit this morning. If I want to finally finish, I’ve got to apply it. And I’ve long been convinced that the pursuit of writing has profound lessons to teach
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How to Finally Get Free of Fear and Just Write

Writers can treat their mental illnesses every day. – KURT VONNEGUT How do you hold onto your inspiration in the midst of all you face, and learn to be an inspiration every day to others? It’s what we all want down deep, maybe more than anything else. But nothing else seems more difficult. Everyone wants to live from their deepest
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On Editors: Find the Best Before You Invest

How do you find the right editor and what’s a fair cost? Editors have different systems of working and what they charge. Cost varies depending on their experience, the type of work needed and other factors.  As an editor, the most difficult part for me is striking a balance between giving writers what they want and determining what they actually need.  The Editorial
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The Writer’s Cross: Why Writers Need Community

It’s a crazy dark day, the kind we get in Portland in the winter where you have to keep the lights on in the house all day because of the thick gray haze blanketing the world. It can get into your skin. So on this rainy day, I’m pondering about musings. And about how most things in life come down
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