Archive for the editors Tag

Link: Top Myths about Editors

Writers I meet at conferences have a lot of great questions about editing. Most of us know we need help but don’t know where to start. I don’t have any money; why are editors so expensive? Do you really need a content editor and a copyeditor? Can you just hire an editor to fix your mistakes? Here’s a really great post clearing up some
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Don’t Fear the Reaper: FREE ebook

This is a great, power-packed and quick-read resource from copyeditor and writer Blake Atwood. And I’m strongly considering giving it a place in my highly-recommended resources. It’s the book I’d like to have written if I wasn’t so busy coaching and editing books. Oh, it’s also FREE. (But you know, tip how you’d want to be tipped.) Check it out!

How Writers and Editors Are Like Snails

John Updike once wrote that “writers walk through volumes of the unexpressed and like snails leave behind a faint thread excreted out of ourselves.” (“The Blessed Man of Boston”)     As an editor, I’m fairly gastropod-like myself. I leave my trail of commentary on a manuscript as evidence of where I’ve been (in fact, I may have an even
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