“Here’s the thing: whatever your schedule, stuff is going to happen. People will make demands on your time, your equipment is going to fail, and your family and friends need you. The world is not going to roll over and make it easy for you to get your writing done. In fact, many people might try (either consciously or unconsciously)
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“Nothing in you that has not died will ever be raised from the dead.” – C.S. Lewis These emails have been going out every Monday for more than four years now. I think I’ve missed a Monday or two, but a recurring theme has been getting past the common barriers to live the higher purpose. Because Mondays come, of course.
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“The evolving text was never, for Murray, purely a creation of the writer—it was an active participant in the process itself. He would speak of ‘listening to the text,’ or ‘the informing line’; he would describe the thrill of writing outrunning intention and entering new territory….if the writer was alert to cues and possibilities, and not tied to an outline
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“We have met the enemy and he is us.” –Pogo, Walt Kelly Reading through my journal I see that back on December 4, I wrote about my process of writing my first new chapter since before I went freelance, over 4 years previous. I wrote it from pieces that started with the basic action and locations, then researched the locations
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Distraction – The day has just started and I haave 24 new emails. I don’t have time to fix that typo… The Wikipedia entry for distraction is here. It's basically "divided attention." " Here are 2 pics from that page. I fought to read today’s entry in Chambers’ My Utmost for His Highest. (I at least know this much, that
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