Archive for the art and fear Tag

Outsmarting Distraction

“The evolving text was never, for Murray, purely a creation of the writer—it was an active participant in the process itself. He would speak of ‘listening to the text,’ or ‘the informing line’; he would describe the thrill of writing outrunning intention and entering new territory….if the writer was alert to cues and possibilities, and not tied to an outline
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Doubts and Distresses be Damned

The difficulty of consistency in writing is greatly exacerbated by authors fearing that the situations and characters in their heads aren’t quite unique enough or imaginative enough. And this angst can effectively kill an author’s enjoyment of the daily work. The mountain of their vision seems too high to climb. Yet let them close their eyes to the hill and simply
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How to Progress In Your Process

“Are we there yet?” Remember how fun it is to travel with small kids? The longer the trip, the more this favorite question gets repeated, like a bad commercial. I think that could be how God feels when we keep unfocusing on the real goal of art and start obsessing about the finish line. Two quick examples. Several weeks ago, I got frustrated at
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