Archive for the 'Useful' Category

Free Editing Help and the Secret to Great Writing

After I returned from the Northwestern Christian Writers conference in Minnesota, I was inspired and fired up to get back to my book and keep revising. That often happens after a writers conference. I’d taken a bit of a break when summer hit, but the great conversations and knowledgable speakers had me raring to go again. If you’re wondering about
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The Secret Simple Key to Overcoming Overwhelm

No one can tell me when I’m getting overwhelmed. Pretty much anyone can tell when I’m getting overwhelmed. These two facts are in my mind the moment I open my eyes Tuesday morning. They have taken me more time to acknowledge than I would like to admit. And yet if there’s one thing I know, it’s that the things we
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What to Do When You Suspect It’s Not Enough

“Doubtless some ancient Greek has observed that behind the big mask and the speaking-trumpet, there must always be our poor little eyes peeping as usual and our timorous lips more or less under anxious control.” – George Eliot, Middlemarch, 1871 So you’re finally ready to get honest? You’re finally ready to admit that your writing is no good? Congratulations. Welcome to
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How to Finally Get Free of Fear and Just Write

Writers can treat their mental illnesses every day. – KURT VONNEGUT How do you hold onto your inspiration in the midst of all you face, and learn to be an inspiration every day to others? It’s what we all want down deep, maybe more than anything else. But nothing else seems more difficult. Everyone wants to live from their deepest
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Truth Can Only Be Written by Including All of It

“This man, I think, wanted to enchant the reader, to set in words certain amorphous and important sensations he had experienced…. “He wanted to transcribe his own inchoate experience. He wanted it to become art. He felt, as many of us do, that he had a right to that. Perhaps he wanted to feel his suffering had been worthwhile, was
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