The good people of the Christian Fiction Blog (Dee and Marina) were kind enough to bestow an award on Your Writers Group (read about it here)
SO…some thanks of my own. God, my pastor, my family, mom and dad, my good friend and ski buddy, the blog-savviest dude I know, Phil “Donahue” Ripperger, my tireless, underappreciated knockout wife, Sheri who gives the most to keep me from being committed, and the good people of TypePad and Six Apart who get up every morning and dream up new ways to make us thankful for their turnkey blogging system.
But at least seventh of all, to you, long-suffering writers, hoping simply to make the world a better place with your wise words, I couldn’t be more grateful for all the thoughtful beauty you will bring to the world. There’s simply not enough of you.
Okay, so get writing.
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